
Nov 13, 2020 08:00 (UTC)

Post Steam CBT Update


Thank you once again to all players who participated in the Steam CBT.


We've been going through and have definitely heard all the feedback provided on various points of the game including improvements for the combat system, character movement as well as interface interaction/navigation when utilizing the mouse and keyboard.
We will be taking these feedbacks along with the data we were able to gather during the test and looking to see how we can make adjustments to improve player experience for the next CBT. 


We also plan to provide players with development updates discussing the changes being made and some of the team's plans moving forward to launch next year and beyond! 
As such, please look forward to the upcoming improvments to come. 


Be sure to follow us across our social media channels and join our Discord to be notified as soon as we're ready to announce the next step for Bless Unleashed PC.


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