
Sep 03, 2021 03:37 (UTC)

[Edited] Known Issues - September 2nd (PDT)

Greetings Adventurers,


We thank you for your support and interest in Bless Unleashed PC.
We want to inform the community regarding the known issues occurred in the world of Bless Unleashed PC.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and we will try to fix the issues as soon as possible.
See the details below.

[September 2nd - Known Issues]

The causes of the known issues have been identified and will be fixed through a later patch.

  • Attempts to roll or jump through certain cliffs or similar terrain may result in the character being returned to the spot where they attempted the movement.
  • (NEW) When Priest receives “Shield of Faith” from another player while “Mark of the Wolf” Blessing is activated, “Protection and Sacrifice” effect is applied to the Priest. “Protection and Sacrifice” is an effect where cooldown is removed while consuming some of HP.
  • (NEW) When players are resurrected at the Soul Pyre in Navarran Military Camp, the players die instead of being resurrected.
    • * This issue can be resolved by using Healing Potion at the moment of resurrection.
  • (NEW) After defeating the first boss “Malignis” in the Time Dungeon “The Nightspire - Entropic Descent”, characters cannot move properly on the bridge that appears after activating a Soul Pyre in the second location.
    • * To resolve this issue, move while jumping or try to repeat the movement made by Charge skills.
    • This issue has unexpectedly occurred due to some action made for blocking hacks of floating and transferring location. We hope you understand.

Check out the FAQ below to see the issues currently known in Bless Unleashed PC.

▶ Current Known Issues

We apologize for the inconvenience, and we will make efforts to give you a better service.

Thank you.

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